— Luxurious Accommodation in spacious suites
Our suites offer you the ultimate in luxury, comfort and convenience. Equipped with all modern amenities, our suites provide an ideal setting for work relaxation.
— Enjoy delicious meals for two
Indulge in a daily breakfast and dinner for two. Our in-house restaurant offers an extensive range of cuisines to delight your taste buds.
— Complimentary Wifi
We provide complimentary Wifi throughout our property so that you can stay connected with family, friends and colleagues while you stay with us.
Alternatively, you can call our Reservations team via +233 50 544 9918 or +233 24 243 9550 to make your booking.
— Welcome drink on arrival
— 4-course candlelit dinner
— Glass of house wine & roses
— Discount voucher at spa, restaurant, café lounge
— $149 / Couple
— Welcome drink on arrival
— Luxurious accommodation in any suite of your choice
— 4-course candlelit dinner
— Glass of house wine & roses
— Breakfast for two
— Free access to gym & swimming pool
— 20% Discount voucher at spa, restaurant, café lounge, in-room dining
Alternatively, you can call our Reservations team via +233 50 544 9918 or +233 24 243 9550 to make your booking.
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